

The Importance of a Relapse Prevention Plan

In the world of addiction, a relapse is when you return to using and abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Additionally, you begin to relapse when you once again partake in the risky behaviors you engaged in during your addiction before you started walking on the path toward recovery. Because relapses are common, relapse prevention is essential

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3 Mental Health Tips to Help with Suicidal Thoughts

Depression and sadness can become completely overwhelming, causing you to feel that there is no hope or reason to live. In moments of immense pain, it may seem impossible that depression can be treated and happiness restored. Suicidal thoughts do not make you crazy or flawed. It just means that you are dealing with symptoms

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3 Benefits of Dual Diagnosis for Your Mental Health

Struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction is always challenging. However, those who deal with more than one issue may find themselves in a uniquely demanding predicament. Recovery from two or more elements, whether drugs or a mental illness, requires a custom-built and highly individualized program. A dual diagnosis treatment program helps patients achieve sobriety

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Benefits of a Sponsor After Rehab

Working through addiction treatment takes time and significant amounts of work. In therapy, you’ll have a professional team to guide and support you through the process. This part of the process is the hardest. However, once you are ready to embrace life without a team of constant professionals to help you, you’ll still need that

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